Autism Acceptance Month!

Happy Autism Acceptance Month! In 2021, The Autism Society of America changed the terminology from Autism Awareness Month to Autism Acceptance Month. Christopher Banks, president and CEO of The Autism Society of America said this, "Awareness is knowing that somebody has autism. Acceptance is when you include (a person with autism) in your activities. Help (them) to develop in that… Continue reading Autism Acceptance Month!

The Rug Is Lava – Sensory Overload

One evening in late 2017, my living room rug turned into lava. Obviously, a volcano did not spontaneously form and combust in our living room, this is purely metaphorical. As of 2024, I cannot recall what our conversation was about. What I can remember is that the day was long and filled with many challenges.… Continue reading The Rug Is Lava – Sensory Overload

Intro to Aspergers

Elon Musk. Greta Thunberg. Dan Ackroyd. Anthony Hopkins. Andy Warhol. John Denver. Susan Boyle. Eminem, Michael Jackson, and Robin Williams. What do all of these individuals have in common? Asperger Syndrome. Asperger Syndrome is a neurological condition under the Autism umbrella. Despite media portrayal, it is not slang for "socially awkward." Asperger's is a diagnosis… Continue reading Intro to Aspergers